Trans 101 Awareness Workshop

Tuesday, July 9 | 3-5pm EST

With the onslaught of anti-trans legislation in the U.S., trans existence is under attack. But we all have a role to play to create safe spaces for trans people, both nationally and in our own communities.

Join us for this two-hour training on tangible steps to creating more inclusive spaces for trans people, whether it’s your workplace, classroom or community organization.

In this interactive session, we’ll cover

  • Create shared language to discuss trans issues

  • Discuss key terminology used to discuss trans rights

  • Review the latest on anti-trans legislation and other political and social threats to trans lives

  • Outline actionable ways to build inclusivity in your workplace or community space 

  • Share tangible ways you can be a trans ally as an individual or organization


Sliding scale pricing available for cause-centered organizations. Contact us.

  • I highly recommend participating in ARD workshops. My experience has been great in both I've attended so far and I have come away both times with tangible action items and tools to start implementing on my DEIB Working Team. Workshops are accessible and some great conversation happens among attendees as well--we can all learn from each other!

    ARD February Workshop Attendee

  • I've been following ARD for a long time now and this was my first training session. I loved how many people were logged on to learn together. It proved that something is going right!

  • The workshop was energizing and engaging. Exactly the boost and expertise needed to re-engage with DEI work.

    ARD January Workshop Attendee

Led by Heart GArdener

Heart (he/ him) is a queer, fat, trans masc activist, educator and public speaker. He provides Trans 101 Trainings to the federal government, corporations and non-profits alike. Learn More >