Religious Inclusion at Work

Embracing Sacred Intersectionality

Wednesday, June 26 from 3pm–5pm EST

Religious diversity is a critical facet of broader Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives. By acknowledging and valuing the diverse religious beliefs and practices of employees, organizations cultivate an inclusive culture that transcends differences, fostering a sense of belonging for everyone. Recent global events such as political unrest and war have further highlighted a need for a more critical understanding of religious diversity in the workplace.

This workshop aims to explore the multifaceted benefits of religious diversity, including:

Unlearn our Biases

Explore the rich tapestry of religious beliefs and practices around the world. Gain insights into the cultural nuances associated with different faiths. Challenge and debunk common stereotypes associated with various religions. Engage in open conversations about the challenges employees may face due to religious differences.


Embracing different worldviews fosters creativity and problem-solving, driving organizational success. In an era of globalized business, understanding and respecting diverse religious practices is crucial for effective communication and collaboration across borders.

Employee Well-Being

Acknowledging and accommodating religious practices positively impacts employees' well-being. Organizations that prioritize religious inclusion create environments where individuals can bring their whole selves to work, promoting mental health and job satisfaction.

Enhanced Innovation

Understand how diverse perspectives, including those rooted in various religious beliefs, contribute to a rich tapestry of ideas and innovations.


Religious literacy enhances cultural competency, positioning organizations as global leaders.

Religion is the beautiful reminder that our purpose is collective and interconnected. Embracing religious value at work invites employees to connect their job to a broader sense of purpose and well-being which creates space for new visions and strategies.


50% off available for cause-centered organizations and group discounts available. Contact us.

  • Location

    Virtual (Zoom)

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  • Accessibility

    Closed Captioning Provided

    Recording and slides shared after event close to all registrants

  • Agreements

    Please review our Community Values for guidelines for engaging in our learning spaces.

  • I highly recommend participating in ARD workshops. My experience has been great in both I've attended so far and I have come away both times with tangible action items and tools to start implementing on my DEIB Working Team. Workshops are accessible and some great conversation happens among attendees as well--we can all learn from each other!

    ARD February Workshop Attendee

  • I've been following ARD for a long time now and this was my first training session. I loved how many people were logged on to learn together. It proved that something is going right!

  • The workshop was energizing and engaging. Exactly the boost and expertise needed to re-engage with DEI work.

    ARD January Workshop Attendee

Led by Ciarra Jones

Ciarra Jones is a consultant, writer, and educator who believes workplaces are sites for connection, community, and belonging. She received her BA in American Studies from UC Berkeley and her Master of Theological Studies from Harvard University. She draws upon her unique background in American Studies and Theology to help organizations deepen their commitment to equity and inclusion. Organizations can learn how to create more psychologically safe and interpersonally connected work environments with her support.

Learn more about Ciarra >


  • All workshops, unless specifically stated otherwise, are on a per-person basis.

  • Yes! You can adjust the quantity at checkout. Access to the workshop will be sent via email; please share that information with the members you’ve enrolled.

  • Yes, a session recording will be made available to everyone who enrolled.

  • Enrollment in our workshops are non-refundable.

  • Yes, contact us at for details.