Neurodivergence at Work

Monday, August 19 from 3pm–5pm EST

In this comprehensive series, we’ll learn the origins of justice-led initiatives for neurodiversity and how to craft a workplace that caters to all styles of work and communication.

In this session, participants will:

  • Learn about the history and definition of neurodiversity

  • Unpack how neuronormativity is shaped by white supremacist culture

  • Understand the trends that shaped our collective awareness of neurodiversity in the workplace

  • Explore tactical ways to make your workplace more inclusive for neurodiverse learners

  • Reflect on our own unique ways we learn, process and connect with others


50% off available for cause-centered organizations and group discounts available. Contact us.

  • Location

    Virtual (Zoom)

  • Language(s)


  • Accessibility

    Closed Captioning Provided

    Recording and slides shared after event close to all registrants

  • Agreements

    Please review our Community Values for guidelines for engaging in our learning spaces.

Led by Nicole Cardoza

As an award-winning DEI consultant, writer and speaker, Nicole’s unique approach to facilitation help drive business goals while keeping the wellbeing of employees at heart. Learn more about Nicole >

  • I highly recommend participating in ARD workshops. My experience has been great in both I've attended so far and I have come away both times with tangible action items and tools to start implementing on my DEIB Working Team. Workshops are accessible and some great conversation happens among attendees as well--we can all learn from each other!

    ARD February Workshop Attendee

  • I've been following ARD for a long time now and this was my first training session. I loved how many people were logged on to learn together. It proved that something is going right!

  • The workshop was energizing and engaging. Exactly the boost and expertise needed to re-engage with DEI work.

    ARD January Workshop Attendee


  • All workshops, unless specifically stated otherwise, are on a per-person basis.

  • Yes! You can adjust the quantity at checkout. Access to the workshop will be sent via email; please share that information with the members you’ve enrolled.

  • Yes, a session recording will be made available to everyone who enrolled.

  • Enrollment in our workshops are non-refundable.

  • Yes, contact us at for details.