Decenter Whiteness

Tuesday, June 25 at 3pm EST

Unpack the concept of 'whiteness', including its history and implications in your industry. Participants will learn methods to de-center, disrupt, and deconstruct whiteness, explore practices that combat systemic whiteness challenges in clinical settings and understand the necessity of building multiracial communities.

  • Learn key concepts important to a multiracial perspective

  • Unpack the role that whiteness plays in perpetuating systemic oppression

  • Draw insights from case studies to understand decentering in our own work

  • Explore how implicit bias sets defaults that may be difficult to see

  • Understand how to help employees decenter whiteness at their own

  • organizations

In this interactive session, we will:

Decentering is a necessary and often overlooked part of creating more equitable, inclusive spaces.

Without addressing whiteness as a default, efforts to increase representation often fail.

Decentering is a distinctly different set of practices that increasing diversity.

Decentering whiteness addresses and dismantles the defaults.


50% off available for cause-centered organizations and group discounts available. Contact us.

  • Location

    Virtual (Zoom)

  • Language(s)


  • Accessibility

    Closed Captioning Provided

    Recording and slides shared after event close to all registrants

  • Agreements

    Please review our Community Values for guidelines for engaging in our learning spaces.

  • I highly recommend participating in ARD workshops. My experience has been great in both I've attended so far and I have come away both times with tangible action items and tools to start implementing on my DEIB Working Team. Workshops are accessible and some great conversation happens among attendees as well--we can all learn from each other!

    ARD February Workshop Attendee

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Led by Nicole Cardoza

As a DEI consultant, writer and speaker, Nicole’s unique approach to facilitation helps drive business goals while keeping the wellbeing of employees at heart.

Learn more about Nicole >